Whatsoever You Do –- Find Your 1,000 True Fans.
By Carl Kruse
A friend today asked me for a good book on marketing, as if I would know. But I then remembered the impact Kevin Kelly’s essay “1,000 True Fans” had on me some years ago and suggested he start his research reading it.
As I re-read “1,000 True Fans,” it struck me — again — as a sane marketing approach, especially if starting out, like my friend was. Kelly’s essay is perhaps the ultimate anti-branding approach to branding.
In looking around the web I see the essay has found champions such as Tim Ferriss, who has included it in his latest work, “The Tools Of Titans” (another good read for all things life-hacking, to not say life-changing) and dovetails with the spirit of people like Seth Godin who advocate the idea of beginning by marketing to one or two people and taking it from there; a super condensed notion of 1,000 true fans. As an aside, a true fan is defined as anyone who would buy almost anything you make. Kelly’s notion is that 1,000 such people will keep you alive. As a budding artist, creative or business person, you don’t necessarily have to hit the ball far out of the park to “make it.” You just need to cultivate 1000 true fans.
I’m not a marketer but I would not start any new venture without getting close to 1,000 True Fans. Find the essay at http://kk.org/thetechnium/1000-true-fans/
Goodness always,
Carl Kruse
Contact Carl Kruse – carl AT carlkruse.org
Did you happen to see our last post regarding the Princeton University Global Forum in Berlin? http://carlkruse.org/princeton-university-global-forum-berlin/
I’m also on the business networking sites XING and Vator:
Could be the best article I have ever read on marketing. Thank you.
Thanks for the love Timmo, even if I didn’t write the article it puts the marketing situation into perspective awful quick, especially for companies/projects that are just starting off.
All the best,
Carl Kruse
The 1000 True Fans essay aught to be required reading for anyone starting off in business.
Needless to say, I agree.
I go back to the article on 1000 True Fans at least once a year. Tremendous perspective. Thanks Carl.
I try to read it regularly as well. Thanks for stopping by.
Carl Kruse
Find me also on AEON – Carl Kruse
Awesome article Kruse.