Hi folks. We’re on Twitter at https://twitter.com/carl_kruse_org. Our tweet feed focuses on people and organizations trying to do good, make the world better. Contact me to discuss what you or your group are up to. Maybe we can profile your work or help in other ways. We are based in Miami but have something of a world outlook.
Formerly we announced this blog itself was coming alive: https://carlkruse.org/carlkrusedotorg/
– Carl Kruse
The blog’s twitter feed essentially retweets posts from the blog. For further discussion and interaction check out the Carl Kruse personal Twitter feed.
Contact us any time at CARL at CARLKRUSE dot COM

Hola from Spain Carl Kruse! Some good groups here. Let me know if you think you will cover some Spanish ones.
Hey hello Manuel! Did not plan on covering any Spanish ones since I am not familiar with any but would love to hear what’s happening in your neck of the woods. Just drop me a note.
And dtop on by and say hello on Twitter if you get a chance.
Hoping all great.
Carl Kruse
Just followed you on Twitter Carl. Looking forward to what nonprofits you cover. Good deeds indeed.
Marty, good to see you all over the blog and glad to hear you’re watching on Twitter. Really hope you’re great in Australia and wishing you a fantastic end of 2015 and a wonderful 2016 full of goodness and magic!
Carl Kruse